This skirt is a really simple way to start making your own patterns, as you don't need to worry about zips and it consists of just 2 pieces; 1 main panel and a waist band.
You Need: 1 metre of jersey fabric (I used a lightweight striped jersey, being ever the optimist that we might have a summer!?), measuring tape and pattern paper.
How To:
Drawing the main panel |
Measure your waist and hips, take those measurements and add 4cm (for seam allowances) before dividing them by 4. Use these measurements to create you skater panel. To get the rough shape, I used one of my skater dresses to trace the basic shape onto the pattern paper before making my exact measurements fitted well.
The most important thing is that the bottom of the panel is substantially larger than the tops so that the skirt will fit you waist snugly and 'flit' out at the bottom!
Once you are happy with your paper panel,
cut out four of them in your beautiful jersey.
Create the waistband using your waist measurement, this time add 2cm (for seam allowances). This will form the length of the waistband, draw this out as rectangle onto pattern paper with a width of 10cm.
Ooh matching nails! |
over-locked the raw edges, I always find this bit slighty dull...I just want to start creating the skirt ASAP, but it is quite important for a smart finish!
Cool chevron effect! |
Join the four panels together using a stretch stitch on the machine, though a straight stitch will do if you dont have one! This is when you really start to see the skirts basic shape...oooh exciting!!
Fold the waist band in half, width ways, and sew the ends together to make a circle. Attach the waistband to the main skirt, right side together.
Finally hem.
I actually hemmed by hand this time because it can be hard to create a straight line when the jersey is fold over twice.
Perfect for a Sunday afternoon!